Posts Tagged ‘#progressnotperfection’
The Five Steps to Vibrant Health
I have been coaching clients for about eight years and I have found during that time that there are five areas we need to address in order for them to enjoy sustainable change. It’s also how I was able to lose 135 pounds and keep it off for over ten years. Step One – Mindset…
Read MoreHave You Thought About Your Act Two?
Are you a woman “of a certain age”? You know what I mean. Kids are grown and flown. If you’re married, maybe you and the spouse have fallen into the hypnotic rhythm of life. Or you may have been a ‘stay at home’ and now the nest is empty. You may be coming to…
Read MoreFood Glorious Food
And now we’ve gotten to the last of the Five Pillars for Success…Nutrition. There are several reasons this is the final pillar. No matter what healthy food plan you use, unless you have the other pillars in place, your chance of sustained change, and therefore success, are pretty slim. When I work with my clients,…
Read MoreWhat Is Your Self-Care Routine?
How do you care for yourself on a regular basis? Do you indulge in some vanity days and get mani/pedis or regular massage? If you don’t want to indulge in something that might break the bank, find other ways to indulge yourse Self-care is the next of the Five Pillars of Success we will discuss.…
Read MoreLive Your Best Life(style)
As we move though the Five Pillars of Success, notice that we’ve said nothing about food yet. That’s because food is one of the least important parts of why your past attempts have not worked or only worked temporarily. This next pillar is about your lifestyle. What are you doing to keep yourself healthy? Are…
Read MoreMind Your Mind(set)
I’m sure, at some point in your life you’ve tried to lose weight, get healthy, exercise regularly, or something along those lines. And, maybe you were dreading the annual visit to your medical practitioner. Or did you expect them to tell you that you needed to lose weight? Maybe you knew your blood pressure was…
Read MoreWhat Other People Think Of Me Is None Of My Business
Why do people think they have the right to judge others? I see lots of criticism of high profile people. They’re scrutinized on what they wear, how they look, the size of their bodies and other nonsense. Why are people in the public eye targeted with such animosity? Is it jealousy, contempt or something else?…
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