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What Is Your Self-Care Routine?

How do you care for yourself on a regular basis? Do you indulge in some vanity days and get mani/pedis or regular massage? If you don’t want to indulge in something that might break the bank, find other ways to indulge yourse

Self-care is the next of the Five Pillars of Success we will discuss.

As women, we often think of self-care as self-indulgent because it takes us away from the care and feeding of our loved ones. But that is so far from the truth. Self-care is not only not self-indulgent but it is necessary for our own wellness. If you don’t care for yourself, how will you care for others? You can’t pour from an empty vessel

So what can we do that doesn’t cost anything?

There are many ways you can renew and rejuvenate yourself without spending a lot or even any money. If you’re a mom and have a spouse, ask said spouse to stay with the kiddos for awhile. Go for a walk, read a book, sit in a park and people watch. If you don’t have a partner to stay with the kids, make a deal with another mom to baby-sit for each other so you both get some “me time”. If you can’t get out of the house, maybe after the kids go to bed, take a nice long bath with some candles and some soothing music.

There are any ways you can make yourself feel special that don’t include indulging unhealthy habits. These are some of the areas I work with my clients to improve in their lives.

Self-care is something you should practice every day. You not only deserve it, you need it.

We’ll discuss the other Pillars of Success in the coming posts. If you would like to know what I do in more detail, please feel free to click here to schedule a complimentary call.

In my practice, I work with women who are living with or are at risk for developing heart disease or other chronic illness that can be managed through lifestyle and nutrition changes to prevent or possibly even reverse such conditions.

To schedule a ‘no strings attached’ free consultation with me please click here. We’ll discuss your specific health challenges and come up with some next steps for you to follow. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.



  1. Lori Ferguson on July 6, 2020 at 7:19 pm

    “Self-care” – being compassionate and kind to and about yourself is really important. Each of us is unique, so the ways we take care of our self has to fit us as a person, and for the season of life we’re in, I believe. I also think we can help others as part of our self-care… it makes me feel good to regularly spend time with our grands so their mom has time for herself. It’s a double pleasure! (hers and mine! ;-0 )

    • Karen on July 6, 2020 at 8:53 pm

      I agree Lori…whatever fills your cup is good. It’s a very individual choice. And who doesn’t love hanging with the grands???

  2. Lily Leung on July 6, 2020 at 8:56 pm

    I’m a care giver by nature. So I used to pour out time and support for others. I didn’t realize that I seldom think of my own needs. Still I felt selfish. So my self care is trying not to overdo the caregiver role and working on not feeling guilty about it.

    It’s nice to see you back, too, Karen.

    • Karen on July 6, 2020 at 8:59 pm

      Lily…not only do you need to limit your pouring into everyone else, you also need to fill your own cup. And do not feel guilty at all.

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