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What Are You Putting On The Back Burner?

I am a master procrastinator. I like to say it’s genetic because my father was an expert also. But really, I can’t blame him because I learned his bad habit. I’m an adult and I make my own choices. What is procrastination and why do we do it? According to the Oxford Dictionary, procrastination is…

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Are You Holding Yourself Back?

I have been dealing with some hesitancy on my part to really put myself ‘out there’ wherever ‘out there’ is. I want to grow my health and nutrition coaching business by expanding into group coaching and pubic speaking. But…I’m a little afraid. What if I fail? What if no one comes to my classes? Or…

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Don’t Let This Stop You

What am I doing here? Who am I to think I can tell anyone how to do anything?  Have you ever had this conversation, or one like it, with yourself? This is known as Imposter Syndrome.  Imposter Syndrome Imposter Syndrome is a term coined in the 1970s by two psychologists. They were looking for an…

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It Doesn’t Have to Be All or Nothing

Our Standard American Diet (SAD) may not be the best choice for a long and healthy life. It contains a lot of animal sourced food like meats, eggs and dairy and all the health challenges that go along with those options. There may be a healthier choice More and more studies are showing that eating…

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Where Has This Been All My Life?

I find it hard to believe that I have never tried vegan pesto before. I actually LOVE it! I have never been a big pesto fan before but OMG, this is to die for. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not one to add a lot of commentary to my recipe posts. I just want…

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