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Another Soup Recipe – Pasta E Fagioli My Way

I love Pasta E Fagioli. It’s so deeply satisfying, I could eat it anytime, no matter the season. But I do it a little differently. I don’t use traditional semolina pasta. I use a high protein variety like this one. Or maybe this one. Some people don’t like the taste of alternative pasta selections but…

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Stir Fry With Tofu

As I said yesterday, this month’s posts will be recipes that are healthy and tasty to show that you can like food that’s good for you. Today’s entry…Stir Fry With Tofu Convenience that doesn’t compromise food quality always works for me. I believe this recipe checks those boxes. Frozen veggies that you might not think…

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Let’s Play…Did You Know?

I decided today is a good day to share some interesting (to me) facts that you may or may not know about. These facts are important to me for several reasons. I am both a breast cancer survivor, and dare I say thriver, and a heart attack survivor too. All of the facts I’m sharing…

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Is Your Life Back To Normal?

Today is the first time in over two years we’ve had sleepover guests that are not my grandson or kids. No one has even been over for dinner except our kids and their significants. We have a houseful of kids staying here tonight. The house is noisy and chaotic and it’s great to see the…

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Teriyaki Tofu and Soba Noodles

I used this recipe from Crazy Sexy Kitchen by Kris Carr with several modifications which came out really good. I’m going to give you the recipe as it appears in the book. Then I’ll tell you what I did differently. I have mentioned in other recipes that I don’t much care for the structure of…

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Ratatouille Made with Chickpeas

This recipe is easy to make and full of deep rich flavor. Ratatouille can be made with beef but you won’t miss the animal flesh when you eat this. It’s a hearty dish for a cold wintry day. It’s also a heart healthy dish that is really delish. I realize many of my recipes are…

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