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What’s the Word for 2023?

Did you choose a word for 2023? I did. My word is COMPLETION. I have a habit of starting lots of things but never bringing any of them to full completion. That includes choosing a word at the beginning of the year. But 2023 will be different. This word came to me in a moment…

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Day One…Happy New Year!

I called this Day 1…not because it’s my first blog post. Lord no, that is NOT the case. This is Day 1 because well, you know, it’s New Year’s Day. It’s the beginning of yet another year in the not-so-new millennium. Remember when Y2K was going to be the end of the world as we…

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Does Your Brain Have the Guts?

Did you know the human body has a second brain? It’s in the digestive tract. Yes, it’s true. The digestive system is able to influence the brain in your head. In fact, it has more control over us than we may even know. Cravings Gut bacteria can influence food cravings. In order for the gut…

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Sweet Surrender…Maybe It’s Time You Did

I recently started offering a 5-week Sweet Surrender Sugar Detox to help people kick their sugar habit to the curb once and for all. Because of that, I thought I would share some of the reasons you may want to consider doing that yourself. Does Any of This Describe You? Do you feel like you…

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In Respect Of Women In The Prime Of Life

Are you a woman “of a certain age”? You know what I mean. Kids are grown and flown. If you’re married, maybe you and the spouse have fallen into the hypnotic rhythm of life. Or you may have been a ‘stay at home’ and now the nest is empty. You may be coming to the…

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What Is Keeping You Down?

Several years ago I entered the lottery to participate in the NYC Marathon. I’m a walker, not a runner and I was a little concerned that I wouldn’t be able to complete the course in the allotted time before they officially closed the marathon at 7:30 PM. Already a little intimidated by the privilege to…

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