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Don’t Let This Stop You

What am I doing here? Who am I to think I can tell anyone how to do anything?  Have you ever had this conversation, or one like it, with yourself? This is known as Imposter Syndrome.  Imposter Syndrome Imposter Syndrome is a term coined in the 1970s by two psychologists. They were looking for an…

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In Honor

And now for something completely different. Today we acknowledge two national treasures…The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the inimitable Betty White. We celebrate both of their birthdays today, posthumously. So I thought I would show a few quotes from each to illustrate the impact they have had on us. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther…

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Mind Your Mind(set)

I’m sure, at some point in your life you’ve tried to lose weight, get healthy, exercise regularly, or something along those lines. And, maybe you were dreading the annual visit to your medical practitioner. Or did you expect them to tell you that you needed to lose weight? Maybe you knew your blood pressure was…

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