Posts Tagged ‘#newyearnewyou’
Would You Put Gasoline On Your Skin?
Did you know that it takes 26 seconds for whatever you put on your skin to enter your system? Your personal care products…substances like hair care products, facial products, bath and body washes and lotions may contain chemicals that are harmful to you and the environment. Many of the ingredients on this list disrupt the…
Read MoreStay Out Of Your Way
Do you know that the only thing that gets in your way is you? We all have limiting beliefs. I’m not smart enough, don’t know enough, don’t have the right credentials, aren’t pretty enough, are too young/old, too fat/thin, and many other beliefs I haven’t even identified. We often stay in dead end jobs that…
Read MoreWhat Other People Think Of Me Is None Of My Business
Why do people think they have the right to judge others? I see lots of criticism of high profile people. They’re scrutinized on what they wear, how they look, the size of their bodies and other nonsense. Why are people in the public eye targeted with such animosity? Is it jealousy, contempt or something else?…
Read MoreIn Respect Of Women In The Prime Of Life
Are you a woman “of a certain age”? You know what I mean. Kids are grown and flown. If you’re married, maybe you and the spouse have fallen into the hypnotic rhythm of life. Or you may have been a ‘stay at home’ and now the nest is empty. You may be coming to the…
Read MoreWhat Is Keeping You Down?
Several years ago I entered the lottery to participate in the NYC Marathon. I’m a walker, not a runner and I was a little concerned that I wouldn’t be able to complete the course in the allotted time before they officially closed the marathon at 7:30 PM. Already a little intimidated by the privilege to…
Read MoreHappy Valentine’s Day…What Are You Doing For Your Heart Today?
Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you planning something special with someone special? If you don’t have a partner, are you doing something special for yourself? If not, don’t you think you deserve to be treated well? I think you do. Treat yourself at least as well as you treat someone else You don’t need to have…
Read MoreForgiveness…Do It For You
Have you ever heard that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die? I may have paraphrased but I captured the sentiment. What is forgiveness? Psychologists define forgiveness as the conscious deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or a group who has harmed…
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