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Straight Talk About Heart Disease

Some Not So Fun Facts Women, did you know? heart disease kills more people than all cancers combined more women than men die from a first heart attack we are less likely to get the treatment we need for heart disease than men women of color are at higher risk of developing heart disease and…

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Do You Really Know The Symptoms? Maybe Not

You know what it looks like…the Hollywood heart attack. It’s usually a middle-aged, or older, man clutching his chest. Maybe he’s sweating profusely and short of breath. He’s probably falling over a piece of furniture and passing out. Maybe he lives and maybe he doesn’t. But that isn’t necessarily the way it happens when you’re…

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Why Do We Wear Red Today?

As we have discussed…or t least I have discussed, February is American Heart Month. And today is National Wear Red Day. My fellow WomenHeart sisters and other women who have experienced a cardiac event, also consider this Go Red for Women Day. Go Red is an acronym for the following: G – Get your numbers, specifically…

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It’s February! That Means It’s Heart Month

This month is near and dear to my heart. As a survivor/thriver of a Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection, it is my mission to bring education to the masses. I want to share all I know about women’s heart health and how to maintain it. To that end, buckle up. This month’s blog posts will be…

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What Are Your Risk Factors?

I want to share some information about heart disease and some of the ways it shows up, especially for women. Much of the existing heart disease in the US, in fact 80%, can be prevented through proper nutrition and lifestyle habits. There are some risk factors we all need to manage to keep ourselves healthy…

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Reflections On Heart Month

I haven’t been here much in the last several days. February is Heart Month and has kept me very busy. As a WomenHeart Champion Community Educator I have the privilege of bringing information to women about their heart health. I’ve been in several parts of the state spreading the word. It’s important for women to…

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