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Here’s What’s For Dinner

**UPDATE** I forgot one of the most important ingredients! See below for the update. I added it to the recipe card and posted the benefits as well. It’s cold and windy here in the northeastern US today. After the 60 degrees we had yesterday, it’s quite a shock to the system. That means it’s time for…

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How Green is My…Smoothie

Veggies, veggies and more veggies Did you know that most people who eat the Standard American Diet (aka SAD) only get about 20% or less of fiber they need on a daily basis? To maintain our health, we should be consuming around 25 grams per day and most aren’t even getting 5 grams. One way…

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Happy Healthy New Year!!

Here we go again! Do you start the new year with good intentions for your health? Do you need some help? I’m once again participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge for the month of January. I have done this before and I often struggle with what to write after the first few posts. So here’s…

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