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Let’s Call Fat Shaming What It Is…Bullying

In this video below, late-night talk show host James Corden responds to a bit that another late-night talk show host, Bill Maher, did about the supposed “value” of fat shaming. Maher’s position is that overweight and obese people should be called out for the size of their bodies. Really??? And when has that ever been…

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How Are You Motivated To Make Change?

What makes you want to change? Is it something inside that just clicks? Is it something someone says to you? According to The National Library of Medicine in their article, On what motivates us: a detailed review of intrinsic v. extrinsic motivation, there are two ways to get your motivation. Intrinsic motivation – this involves performing…

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My Losing Battle With Sugar and Journey to Redemption

I’ve always had an insatiable sweet tooth. Birthday cakes as a child, late-night ice cream binges while studying, daily candy fixes to get through stressful and long work days – sugary foods have been my crutch for as long as I can remember. I justified it as harmless…until the pre-diabetes diagnosis came seemingly out of…

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