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Happy To Meet You

Hello again…as promised, I’m going to tell you what I do, how I do it and why I do it. So here ya go! For today you’ll learn about why this work is so important to me. The beginning In 2009, while was living large and loving life (quoting radio personality Big Joe Henry) I…

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Hello July!

Can you believe we’re halfway through 2020? I don’t think I’m the only one who can say that this past six months has been the longest decade of my life. And I’ve seen several decades! But enough about this year. We’ve all seen a lot and much of it has left us reeling. We’re on…

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Reflections On Heart Month

I haven’t been here much in the last several days. February is Heart Month and has kept me very busy. As a WomenHeart Champion Community Educator I have the privilege of bringing information to women about their heart health. I’ve been in several parts of the state spreading the word. It’s important for women to…

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Would You Put Gasoline On Your Skin?

Did you know that it takes 26 seconds for whatever you put on your skin to enter your system? Your personal care products…substances like hair care products, facial products, bath and body washes and lotions may contain chemicals that are harmful to you and the environment. Many of the ingredients on this list disrupt the…

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Stay Out Of Your Way

Do you know that the only thing that gets in your way is you? We all have limiting beliefs. I’m not smart enough, don’t know enough, don’t have the right credentials, aren’t pretty enough, are too young/old, too fat/thin, and many other beliefs I haven’t even identified. We often stay in dead end jobs that…

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