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Hello July!


Can you believe we’re halfway through 2020? I don’t think I’m the only one who can say that this past six months has been the longest decade of my life. And I’ve seen several decades! But enough about this year. We’ve all seen a lot and much of it has left us reeling.

We’re on to another quarterly Ultimate Blog Challenge (UBC) and I’m all in. It’s good to see some familiar UBC faces here and also some new UBC friends. I haven’t written a blog post since the end of February and didn’t even participate in the April UBC, but I’m back in full force.

For those who don’t know me, I am a certified health and nutrition coach. I work with women who are living with or are at risk for developing heart disease or other chronic illness that can be managed through lifestyle and nutritional changes, to prevent and possibly even reverse such conditions.

I work with my clients to make meaningful incremental changes that have a significant positive impact on your health.

Do any of these apply to you?

  • Do you suffer from sugar cravings that have plagued you most of your adult life?
  • How about losing the extra weight that gets in the way in so many areas of your life?
  • Do you have a family history of some or any of these ‘lifestyle’ related diseases?
  • Has your medical practitioner told you they want to prescribe you medication for something manageable with a few tweaks of your diet and lifestyle?
  • Do you feel like you’ve tried “everything” and nothing has worked, or at least has only worked for a short time?

If any or all of these situations describe you, let’s chat. I’d like to offer a free ‘no strings attached’ consultation…just click here. We’ll discuss your specific health concerns and come up with some actionable next steps.

As the month progresses, I’ll talk about how my approach differs from others that may not have worked for you. I’ll also tell you how I came to this passion, and it truly is my passion.

Don’t forget to sign up for the free chat right here. I look forward to talking with you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


  1. Jeanine Byers on July 2, 2020 at 10:20 pm

    Yes you are definitely not the only one who can say that about this being the longest decade, in only six months! Great to see you, Karen.

    • Karen on July 3, 2020 at 4:14 pm

      Let’s hope the second half of 2020 is a little kinder to us Jeanine.

  2. Flo Callender on July 2, 2020 at 11:55 pm

    Your work is doubly important today, with the uncertainties of the current health pandemic. Keep up the good work. I know that many people will turn back and thank you for helping them through a difficult time.

    • Karen on July 3, 2020 at 4:13 pm

      Thank you for the validation Flo. I agree that this situation makes it very clear how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We need to at least give our bodies a fighting chance.

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