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Are You in Service?

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others – Mahatma Gandhi Have you ever considered the benefit you can glean from being of service to others? Do you know it can raise your self esteem and actually make you more grateful? Here are some of the good things…

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Does Your Brain Have the Guts?

Did you know the human body has a second brain? It’s in the digestive tract. Yes, it’s true. The digestive system is able to influence the brain in your head. In fact, it has more control over us than we may even know. Cravings Gut bacteria can influence food cravings. In order for the gut…

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It Doesn’t Have to Be All or Nothing

Our Standard American Diet (SAD) may not be the best choice for a long and healthy life. It contains a lot of animal sourced food like meats, eggs and dairy and all the health challenges that go along with those options. There may be a healthier choice More and more studies are showing that eating…

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What Do You Think You’re Eating?

What’s in your food? If the packaged food you’re eating is not certified organic, chances are you’re getting about 2,000 unwanted chemicals in your food. The good news is the European Union has banned these chemicals. The bad news is, the US has not. According to this report, many of the chemicals have been deemed harmful…

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In Honor

And now for something completely different. Today we acknowledge two national treasures…The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the inimitable Betty White. We celebrate both of their birthdays today, posthumously. So I thought I would show a few quotes from each to illustrate the impact they have had on us. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther…

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Where Has This Been All My Life?

I find it hard to believe that I have never tried vegan pesto before. I actually LOVE it! I have never been a big pesto fan before but OMG, this is to die for. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not one to add a lot of commentary to my recipe posts. I just want…

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