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Choose Your Rainbow

Have you ever been told to “eat the rainbow”? Do you know what that means? Are you doing it? Eating the rainbow doesn’t mean that you should be eating multi-colored M&Ms or gummy bears or anything that is artificially colored to match the rainbow. It means that we should be eating fruits and vegetables in…

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Stay Away From Those Reptiles

Do you feel like you are up to your eyeballs in alligators all the time? Do you constantly feel like you’re chasing a deadline? Are you financially strapped, always afraid that the next catastrophic event will put you onto the street? These feelings of constantly being under stress will have a negative impact on your…

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You Don’t Have To Be Perfect…Just Start Somewhere

“Perfection is the enemy of progress” – Winston Churchill Perfection According to Merriam-Webster, perfection is freedom from fault or defect the quality or state of being saintly an exemplification of supreme excellence an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence Can you claim that you can live up to any of these definitions? I know I…

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Whose Responsibility Is It?

Some of my favorite quotes came from Maya Angelou. She was wise and much of what she said really speaks to me. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou When I was trying to dream up some inspiration for today’s post, I thought…

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Don’t Let This Stop You

What am I doing here? Who am I to think I can tell anyone how to do anything?  Have you ever had this conversation, or one like it, with yourself? This is known as Imposter Syndrome.  Imposter Syndrome Imposter Syndrome is a term coined in the 1970s by two psychologists. They were looking for an…

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