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What Do You Know About AFib?

What is AFib? AFib is short for atrial fibrillation, a condition that can cause an irregular and very rapid heart beat. While AFib itself may not be life threatening, it can lead to other conditions. It can cause blood clots in the heart, stroke, contribute to heart failure and other forms of heart disease. How…

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Have You Heard of SCAD?

In 2017, I was sitting in a meeting in the local hospital when I felt an unusual sensation in my chest. IT was a burning/tingling sensation and not really painful. As it began to radiate out to my shoulders, I started to think I might have a problem. I asked for help, got to the…

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More About Women and Heart Health

In case I haven’t driven it home enough this month, I want to share some more important information that may save your life, or the life of someone you love.  Some not so well known facts heart disease kills more people than all cancers combined more women than men die from a first heart attack…

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Something Near and Dear to My Heart…WomenHeart

If you know me or my work, you probably know that I’m a proud WomenHeart Champion Community Educator. I received my training at the Mayo Clinic in their 2018 Science and Leadership Symposium to go into the community and educate everyone about women and heart health. What is WomenHeart? WomenHeart is the National Coalition for…

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