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Happy Springtime!

Today at 11:33AM EDT, was the Vernal Equinox. It’s the day we have 12 hours of daylight. Now the days will continue to get longer until June 21st, when we experience the longest day of the year. What does Springtime mean to you? For me, springtime is my favorite time of year. I love the…

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Is Your Life Back To Normal?

Today is the first time in over two years we’ve had sleepover guests that are not my grandson or kids. No one has even been over for dinner except our kids and their significants. We have a houseful of kids staying here tonight. The house is noisy and chaotic and it’s great to see the…

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What’s Your Guilty Pleasure?

I often talk about healthy habits, healthy eating, mindset ideas, good sleep hygiene (feeling a little hypocritical here) and other ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But I know everyone needs to live a little. Everyone has a little something they like to indulge in that they might be a little embarrassed to talk about.…

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Vegan Irish Stew

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! My Irish husband always wants to have something Irish for dinner on St. Patrick’s Day. Unfortunately…or not, his days of corned beef and cabbage are behind him. I try to help him over the heartache of the breakup by making something delicious to help him forget what he’s missing. Enter…Vegan Irish…

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Teriyaki Tofu and Soba Noodles

I used this recipe from Crazy Sexy Kitchen by Kris Carr with several modifications which came out really good. I’m going to give you the recipe as it appears in the book. Then I’ll tell you what I did differently. I have mentioned in other recipes that I don’t much care for the structure of…

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Ratatouille Made with Chickpeas

This recipe is easy to make and full of deep rich flavor. Ratatouille can be made with beef but you won’t miss the animal flesh when you eat this. It’s a hearty dish for a cold wintry day. It’s also a heart healthy dish that is really delish. I realize many of my recipes are…

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