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Let’s Play…Did You Know?

I decided today is a good day to share some interesting (to me) facts that you may or may not know about. These facts are important to me for several reasons. I am both a breast cancer survivor, and dare I say thriver, and a heart attack survivor too. All of the facts I’m sharing…

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Is Your Life Back To Normal?

Today is the first time in over two years we’ve had sleepover guests that are not my grandson or kids. No one has even been over for dinner except our kids and their significants. We have a houseful of kids staying here tonight. The house is noisy and chaotic and it’s great to see the…

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Let’s Talk About Happiness

I spent the month of February talking about heart health. That included sharing some heart healthy recipes and talking about a few heart conditions, that may or may not have ben familiar to you. This month, I’ll take a different turn but that doesn’t mean that I’m not talking about heart health still. This month’s…

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To Soy Or Not To Soy…That Is The Question

I have a dilemma. I have had both breast cancer and a heart attack. That isn’t my dilemma though. I’m fine from both of those events. My dilemma is this…one of the most controversial food items is part of the narrative in both of those health events, both pro and con. According to this article,…

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What Is IF and Why Should I Care?

Have you heard of Intermittent Fasting (IF)? It’s all the rage these days. What is IF? Intermittent fasting, specifically “early time restricted feeding” is a method of eating by which you eat by the clock. Following this methodology, you do all your eating during a shorter period of time and never before bedtime. You confine…

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