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How Are You Motivated To Make Change?

What makes you want to change? Is it something inside that just clicks? Is it something someone says to you? According to The National Library of Medicine in their article, On what motivates us: a detailed review of intrinsic v. extrinsic motivation, there are two ways to get your motivation. Intrinsic motivation – this involves performing…

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Are You Holding Yourself Back?

I have been dealing with some hesitancy on my part to really put myself ‘out there’ wherever ‘out there’ is. I want to grow my health and nutrition coaching business by expanding into group coaching and pubic speaking. But…I’m a little afraid. What if I fail? What if no one comes to my classes? Or…

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Do You Feel Empowered?

Do you feel like you own your life? Do you have the confidence to take charge of your life? Or do you feel like life is happening “to” you rather than “for” you? Seven steps to take to achieve self-empowerment: develop a positive attitude – people who believe they can make things happen rather than…

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You Don’t Have To Be Perfect…Just Start Somewhere

“Perfection is the enemy of progress” – Winston Churchill Perfection According to Merriam-Webster, perfection is freedom from fault or defect the quality or state of being saintly an exemplification of supreme excellence an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence Can you claim that you can live up to any of these definitions? I know I…

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Whose Responsibility Is It?

Some of my favorite quotes came from Maya Angelou. She was wise and much of what she said really speaks to me. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou When I was trying to dream up some inspiration for today’s post, I thought…

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