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Ten Reasons To Drink More Water

You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a ‘Top 10’ list on social media these days. Everyone has a list of things to share. And here is another one. I think this list will actually be helpful if you pay attention to it.

Drinking water is one of the easiest and cheapest ways you have to improve your health. Our human bodies are 60% water and our blood is 90% water. Every organ and system in our body needs water to keep it working. We can last several weeks without food but only about three days without water. 

Most people walk around dehydrated and don’t even realize it. You don’t have to feel thirsty to be dehydrated. Even mild dehydration causes skin breakdown and wrinkles, weight gain due to misinterpreted hunger signals, headaches, muscle fatigue, general fatigue, joint pain and many other symptoms.   

There are so many reasons why you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily. I’ll share ten of them here.

The bottom line is drink water as though your life depends on it…because it does.

Are you dreading the holidays, knowing that you won’t be able to wear the same clothes on New 
Years that you wore at the beginning of the feeding frenzy we call the holiday season? Are you worried that you might undo all the good you have done recently for your health? Do you think you might go off the rails with your food choices? Do the holidays get really stressful and cause you to make food choices that may not be very healthy? 

If any of the above scares you, I can help you get through the next two months with my Healthy Holidays program.  And you won’t even have to leave the comfort of your home.  

I am offering SPECIAL PRICING until THURSDAY 11/7 for anyone who signs up by then. The regular price of this program is $297 but until 11/7, the price is only $247…that’s a $50 savings!

If you would like to have a free consultation about the Healthy Holidays program, click here to schedule a no strings attached call.

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