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Someone far wiser than I once said that we teach people how to treat us. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. That last part was a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. So how are you teaching people to treat you? Do you have boundaries? Have you set healthy boundaries and show people…

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Could You Be Vegan? Why Yes…Yes You Can!

Veganism is a commitment, I won’t deny that. It’s a completely different way to eat from the way most of us were raised. But I can tell you from personal experience that it isn’t as bad as you’d imagine it to be. Yes, you’ll have to give up cheese and ice cream and meat but…

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Winter Blues or Something More?

Are you likely to burrow in during the cold, dark winter months, not to be heard from again until the spring? Do you sit on the couch all winter and binge watch whatever is on your DVR? Or is it worse for you? Do you feel sad and exhausted and maybe even a little depressed?…

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What Is the Power of Positivity?

Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? Your frequency, or energy, attracts to it that which is like it. It’s really true. If you walk through life looking for the sky to fall, it eventually will. But on the other hand, if you look for all the good things, you’ll find them too.…

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Lose Weight and Save Your Brain

What does your weight have to do it your brain? Well, as your weight increases the size of your brain decreases. WOW! Did you know that? I didn’t. Your ability to reason, pay attention and your memory decreases as your weight goes up. So the higher your weight goes, the smaller your brain becomes. Why…

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The Joy of a Spring Day in January

There is nothing better than to be able to walk around in a short-sleeved T-shirt in January, in the northeast of the United States. Today was one of those days. We were expecting it to rain all day, which never happened during the daylight hours. I was able to take a two mile walk with…

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