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Date Nut Balls

I made this recipe up to replace some overpriced date nut balls I found in a specialty store. I think mine are better. Remember, I don’t use measurements so go crazy and do what feels good to you. If you decide to use the Five Spice Powder, a little goes a long way. I would…

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Did You Leave Room For Chocolate Pudding?

If you have a sweet tooth and also want to make some healthy choices, these two concepts don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Want to know how that’s possible? Stay tuned. Nothing better than chocolate Do you just love chocolate? How about a creamy chocolate pudding? If you ate the prepackaged puddings of our collective…

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Are You Nuts About Nuts?

For many years, anyone who wanted to lose weight avoided nuts because of the fat content. Now, fifty years later, we find out that fat is actually good for you…especially fat that comes from plants. As part of a nutrient-dense diet, nuts can support reduce heart disease risk and support immune health. Here are some…

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Heart Healthy Eating – The Abridged Version

The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison – Ann Wigmore Did you know that what you eat can have a direct impact on the state of your health? And your cardiac health can be directly affected, both positively and negatively, by…

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This Tastes Much Better Than It Looks

I am not a photographer so just trust me. You’ll really like this. I often just put stuff together for a dish to serve my husband and me…and boy, is he a good sport. Sometimes I hit a home run and other times I foul out in the most glorious way. Tonight was a win,…

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Where Has This Been All My Life?

I find it hard to believe that I have never tried vegan pesto before. I actually LOVE it! I have never been a big pesto fan before but OMG, this is to die for. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not one to add a lot of commentary to my recipe posts. I just want…

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