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Something Near and Dear to My Heart…WomenHeart

If you know me or my work, you probably know that I’m a proud WomenHeart Champion Community Educator. I received my training at the Mayo Clinic in their 2018 Science and Leadership Symposium to go into the community and educate everyone about women and heart health. What is WomenHeart? WomenHeart is the National Coalition for…

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Reflections On Heart Month

I haven’t been here much in the last several days. February is Heart Month and has kept me very busy. As a WomenHeart Champion Community Educator I have the privilege of bringing information to women about their heart health. I’ve been in several parts of the state spreading the word. It’s important for women to…

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What Is Keeping You Down?

Several years ago I entered the lottery to participate in the NYC Marathon. I’m a walker, not a runner and I was a little concerned that I wouldn’t be able to complete the course in the allotted time before they officially closed the marathon at 7:30 PM. Already a little intimidated by the privilege to…

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Forgiveness…Do It For You

Have you ever heard that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die? I may have paraphrased but I captured the sentiment. What is forgiveness? Psychologists define forgiveness as the conscious deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or a group who has harmed…

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What In The World Is A Blue Zone?

According to author Dan Buettner, there are certain parts of the world where people tend to live longer and healthier lives. In these areas, the residents are more likely to live past 100 years old than their counterparts in other regions of the world. The residents in these Blue Zones, a name coined by Buettner,…

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