More About Women and Heart Health
In case I haven’t driven it home enough this month, I want to share some more important information that may save your life, or the life of someone you love. Some not so well known facts heart disease kills more people than all cancers combined more women than men die from a first heart attack…
Read MoreSomething Near and Dear to My Heart…WomenHeart
If you know me or my work, you probably know that I’m a proud WomenHeart Champion Community Educator. I received my training at the Mayo Clinic in their 2018 Science and Leadership Symposium to go into the community and educate everyone about women and heart health. What is WomenHeart? WomenHeart is the National Coalition for…
Read MoreHappy Valentine’s Day…Time To Be Your Own Valentine
Happy Valentine’s Day! If no one else has said it yet, let me be the first. You are beautiful! You are loved and are worthy of love! Take up your place in this world. You matter and you have gifts to share with the world. Don’t withhold your gifts. Love yourself Today is the day…
Read MoreForgiveness: It May Not Be What You Think It Is But It’s Good For Your Heart
I’ve been thinking a lot about forgiveness and what it really means in my life. I’ll admit that I have been one to hold a grudge when I feel that someone has done me wrong. It may stem from a childhood of feeling like I was always on the outside watching everyone else be part…
Read MoreWhat You Should Know About Heart Failure
Since becoming a member of a club I never wanted to join…people with cardiac issues…I’ve learned a lot about the subject. And I have barely scratched the surface. One of the areas I’m learning about it heart failure. What is heart failure exactly? Heart failure occurs when the heart muscle is unable to pump as…
Read MoreThere Is Nothing Selfish About Self-Care
So what is self-care? The concept of self-care being a selfish act of indulgence is ludicrous. This is a myth we must bust wide open. It’s necessary to maintain optimal health, not just optimal heart health. Self-care can be interpreted widely, but in my world it means taking care of yourself so that you can…
Read MoreYes, There Really Such Thing As Broken Heart Syndrome
Really? It’s a thing? Most, if not all, of us knows what it feels like to have our hearts broken. But did you know there is actually a cardiac condition called “broken heart syndrome“? It’s a temporary condition, often caused by an extreme emotional or highly stressful event. Fortunately, broken heart syndrome, also known as takotsubo…
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