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Neuroplasticity – Yes, You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

Have you ever heard of neuroplasticity? Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change throughout your life, based on your thoughts, behaviors and experiences. Your brain has an innate ability to develop new neural pathways throughout your entire life. In other words, your brain makes changes within itself in response to what is happening in your…

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Sleep, Sleep, Beautiful Sleep

How important is sleep? Sleep has a very important role in our lives and without it our health suffers. Why do we need sleep? While we sleep, our cells repair themselves. We often think that sleep is downtime for our body when, in fact, our bodies are quite active during sleep. While there is still…

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Are You Nuts About Nuts?

For many years, anyone who wanted to lose weight avoided nuts because of the fat content. Now, fifty years later, we find out that fat is actually good for you…especially fat that comes from plants. As part of a nutrient-dense diet, nuts can support reduce heart disease risk and support immune health. Here are some…

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How Is Your Vitamin D?

We’ve often heard that Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin. That’s because upon exposure to the sun, our bodies manufacture Vitamin D. But, we can also get it from food and supplements. The Importance of Vitamin D But why is Vitamin D so important? There are several reasons for us to maintain a healthy level…

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Are You Holding Yourself Back?

I have been dealing with some hesitancy on my part to really put myself ‘out there’ wherever ‘out there’ is. I want to grow my health and nutrition coaching business by expanding into group coaching and pubic speaking. But…I’m a little afraid. What if I fail? What if no one comes to my classes? Or…

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Do You Feel Empowered?

Do you feel like you own your life? Do you have the confidence to take charge of your life? Or do you feel like life is happening “to” you rather than “for” you? Seven steps to take to achieve self-empowerment: develop a positive attitude – people who believe they can make things happen rather than…

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