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To Detox Or Not To Detox…that is the question

We are constantly bombarded by offers for products to rid our bodies of the toxins we have been accumulating throughout our lives. They can be environmental from the air soil or water, medical, chemical, food borne or from any number of sources. But is detoxing really necessary? Do you really think an ionic foot bath is going to pull all the toxins in your body out the bottoms of your feet? I don’t know how effective this method is but I wonder how you keep those toxins from finding their way back into the same pores the exited while you are still soaking in the bath.

And how about colonic irrigation? This is where you go through a colon cleanse, perhaps more comprehensive than the one used as preparation for a colonoscopy. I’ve done the prep for my share of colonoscopies (because as mentioned in a previous post, I am a breast cancer survivor and we need more colonoscopies because having your breast cut into and undergoing treatment isn’t enough) and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to try one that hoses me out starting at one end and coming out my eyeballs.

There’s the Master Cleanse Diet. As I was researching this topic, just reading about the Master Cleanse Diet made me a little queasy. You start your day drinking a quart of warm salt water. I think that experience in and of itself would perform the aforementioned colon cleanse from top to bottom. But that isn’t all. Throughout the day you drink a mixture of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper and end the day with a laxative tea. Holy smokes! What could possibly be left inside of you after one day of that…and the proponents of this plan suggest doing it for at least ten days!

These are but a very few of the options available to conduct a detoxification of the body that may help rid the body of toxins, but at what cost? When you attempt to remove toxins from your cells too quickly, the system becomes overloaded by the toxins being released from your fat cells (where toxins are stored). This causes said toxins to recirculate through the body and end up back where they started. They overwhelm your natural cleansing system which cannot rid the body of the toxins fast enough.

Our bodies have their own detoxification system that is usually very effective but can sometimes use some GENTLE help.


  • skin – our skin is the largest organ of our body and its purpose is to protect what’s under it from harmful invaders
  • respiration – we have little filters in the form of hairs inside our nose that keeps us from inhaling dirt and other particles. When particles make their way into the lungs, mucus forms around them and are expelled in the mucus
  • immune system – this is a  network of cells and molecules are al over the body working to keep out the cooties
  • intestines – the intestines pull pathogens out before they are absorbed into the bloodstream through the colon
  • liver – the liver is the primary filter for the body and works to neutralize the impact of lead, cadmium and mercury. It also works to neutralize the impact of harmful chemicals and in the metabolism of drugs and other chemicals
  • kidneys – kidneys flush toxins through urine output. Urine tests are used for drug screening because the kidneys are efficient at pushing chemicals out of the body.

Sometimes our bodies are overloaded with toxins and our natural detoxification system can be overwhelmed and needs a little help. There are gentle ways to help remove the offending substances from the body that do not cause the discomfort that more severe detox programs do.

Eating a whole foods plant-based diet will go a long way to cleanse the system. It is much gentler on the body than a diet based on animal products. Eating from the rainbow of colors in fruits and vegetables will ensure a wide variety of nutrients will be included. Be sure to thoroughly wash produce and eat organic when possible.

The bottom line is…our bodies have an amazing filtration system that can use a little help from time to time but the information blitz can be confusing. I have programs to support anyone who needs a little help in this area.

As a health coach, I work with women to find their power to overcome health challenges and live a fuller, happier, more energetic life. If you would like to have a free consultation about the health challenges you have and the improvements you would like to see in your health, click here to schedule a no strings attached call.  


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I’m a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and I specialize in helping women who live with or are at risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, lose weight and avoid medication.


  1. Lily Leung on April 10, 2019 at 10:28 pm

    I am not at all keen on any detox regime except letting my body do its job by eating healthy. I have fasted for 12 hours for a spiritual retreat. I didn't think I could do it but I did. It was a cleansing experience and would do it again when it is the right time.

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