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The Habits Shaping Your Health

We don’t think much about our habits – the behaviors we engage in frequently without even realizing it. According to neurobiologists, from 40-95% of our lives are driven by habit, so our habits play a huge role in shaping our health and wellbeing.  We are often so ingrained in our habits that we are totally…

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What’s the Word for 2023?

Did you choose a word for 2023? I did. My word is COMPLETION. I have a habit of starting lots of things but never bringing any of them to full completion. That includes choosing a word at the beginning of the year. But 2023 will be different. This word came to me in a moment…

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Day One…Happy New Year!

I called this Day 1…not because it’s my first blog post. Lord no, that is NOT the case. This is Day 1 because well, you know, it’s New Year’s Day. It’s the beginning of yet another year in the not-so-new millennium. Remember when Y2K was going to be the end of the world as we…

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