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Ratatouille Made with Chickpeas

This recipe is easy to make and full of deep rich flavor. Ratatouille can be made with beef but you won’t miss the animal flesh when you eat this. It’s a hearty dish for a cold wintry day. It’s also a heart healthy dish that is really delish. I realize many of my recipes are…

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Are You Nuts About Nuts?

For many years, anyone who wanted to lose weight avoided nuts because of the fat content. Now, fifty years later, we find out that fat is actually good for you…especially fat that comes from plants. As part of a nutrient-dense diet, nuts can support reduce heart disease risk and support immune health. Here are some…

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Fish With Artichoke Sauce

I found this to be a delicious change from the normal grilled fish typically make. It was easy and satisfying and it will be in the rotation. And…no slow cooker was involved. The key to success in home cooking is often using what you have in the house. I didn’t have to shop for any…

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Tofu Falafel

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, soy has protective qualities for your heart and tofu is one of the better versions of soy. But soy isn’t for everyone. There are people for whom soy triggers a severe allergic reaction. This is NOT for them! Before you run away from the idea of desecrating…

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To Soy Or Not To Soy…That Is The Question

I have a dilemma. I have had both breast cancer and a heart attack. That isn’t my dilemma though. I’m fine from both of those events. My dilemma is this…one of the most controversial food items is part of the narrative in both of those health events, both pro and con. According to this article,…

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What Is IF and Why Should I Care?

Have you heard of Intermittent Fasting (IF)? It’s all the rage these days. What is IF? Intermittent fasting, specifically “early time restricted feeding” is a method of eating by which you eat by the clock. Following this methodology, you do all your eating during a shorter period of time and never before bedtime. You confine…

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What Exactly Is a Heart Healthy Diet?

Have you ever been told to eat more healthy? Do you know what that means? Many don’t and it really isn’t their fault. We are bombarded every day with conflicting information and people are confused. I firmly believe that we shouldn’t consume as much animal flesh as the Standard American Diet (SAD) contains. It isn’t…

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