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Broken Heart Syndrome

Most, if not all, of us knows what it feels like to have our hearts broken. But did you know there is actually a cardiac condition called “broken heart syndrome“? It’s a temporary condition, often caused by an extreme emotional or highly stressful event. Fortunately, broken heart syndrome, also known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy, usually self corrects…

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Atrial Fibrillation aka AFib

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is an irregular heartbeat that puts the patient at higher risk for stroke, heart failure and other cardiac conditions. When a heart is in AFib, the upper chambers of the heart are not beating in synch with the lower chambers, possibly causing weakness, shortness of breath and heart palpitations. AFib is not generally…

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It’s Heart Month…Let’s Talk About WomenHeart

If you know me or my work, you probably know that I’m a proud WomenHeart Champion Community Educator. I received my training at the Mayo Clinic in 2018 to go into the community and educate. What is WomenHeart? WomenHeart is the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease and the leading voice of the 48 million…

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