Posts by Karen
Would You Change Anything?
“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly” – R. Buckminster Fuller Wouldn’t it be nice if someone gave us the roadmap to a perfect life? What would you have done differently? How would your life look if you knew then what you know now? I have been…
Read MoreI Love to Try New Things
One of the the intentions I set for the new year was to start cooking new things. I have a couple of recipe books I have been using that cater to my dietary choice of being plant-based. But I have neither the time nor the desire to cook every day. I cook a few times…
Read MoreHappiness Is An Inside Job
Have you ever seen a quote and it just spoke to you? It happens to me from time to time. I saw one today that really called out to me. I feel like these two quotes describe the past twelve years of my life. Both are from Sarah Krycinski. “One morning she woke up different.…
Read MoreBreakfast of (Healthy) Champions
.Do you ever look for a breakfast that will keep you satisfied until lunchtime with no need for a mid-morning snack? I might have just the thing for you. I make these for my family and they love them. They are packed with vegan (hemp seeds) and non-vegan (egg whites) protein. If you want them…
Read MoreShall We Try a Little International Flair?
Do you like falafel but aren’t crazy about the fact that they’re fried? Here’s a recipe that might be a better alternative but just as tasty. Falafel is made from chickpeas, aka garbanzo beans. The first time I asked my husband to pick up chickpeas from the store he couldn’t find them but was able…
Read MoreThe Five Steps to Vibrant Health
I have been coaching clients for about eight years and I have found during that time that there are five areas we need to address in order for them to enjoy sustainable change. It’s also how I was able to lose 135 pounds and keep it off for over ten years. Step One – Mindset…
Read MoreTrying a New Recipe…What Do You Think?
For the New Year I’ve made it my business to try out all kinds of new recipes this year. I’m tired of the same ol’ same ol’ food we’ve been eating lately. I like to cook enough to cover more than one night. After 24 years, my husband doesn’t mind eating the same dinner two…
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