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The Power of a Morning Routine

What do you do when you first wake up in the morning? Do you mindlessly get up, use the bathroom, make the coffee and turn on the news? Do you lie in bed until the very last minute after hitting the snooze button over and over, only to have to rush around to be out the door on time? How does that make you feel? Do you like to start your day that way?

I recently read a book by Robin Sharma called The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. The book is a sort of parable to teach us the reason for waking at 5AM to begin your day with a 20/20/20 routine.

What is the 20/20/20 routine, you ask? Robin Sharma calls 5AM to 6AM the Holy Hour in which you should spend the first twenty minutes doing some high intensity exercise, the second twenty, reviewing your goals and daily plan, and the third twenty, reading something to improve the person you were yesterday.

I firmly believe that developing some sort of meaningful morning routine will set you up for a much more productive day. Since I retired from my day job I’m having a hard time establishing one for myself. I had one when I was going to the office every day because I was leaving before 6AM and would have been in a pickle if I didn’t have one. Re-establishing my morning routine is one of my goals for 2020. Here are some reasons to have one:

Get the exercise done early

By exercising first thing in the morning, you can rev up your metabolism and wake your body up. You’ll increase your energy and alertness and be able to function at a higher level longer through the day.

Goals can be established and met

If you write out your goals, the likelihood of achieving them is far higher than if you keep them in your head. When you keep them in your head, they’re just ideas.

It starts your day off on the right foot

If you have an established morning routine, you can operate a little on “automatic pilot”  as you begin your day. You’ll be less likely to have to scramble around thus alleviating the stress associated with such behavior.

There are so many other really good reasons to have a strong morning routine that I’ve just inspired myself to double down on my efforts to establish one. I’ll let you know how it goes.

My Story

Since June 2019, I decided to hold myself accountable for walking my talk. Several years ago, I was able to take off 135 pounds and essentially save my own life. I regained some of that weight in the last couple of years and I’m working my way back down. I’ve lost over 40 pounds since I began in June and have exercised nearly every day since August.

If you choose to join me on this journey, I hope I am able to impart some nutritional and lifestyle wisdom. Even though I may have gone off the rails temporarily I can still share some of my first hand experience as well as my acquired knowledge and training to help you make the right changes to live your best life.

Do You Want Help?

Would you like to have more energy, lose weight, sleep better, and balance your hormones? I am launching a 5 week Sugar Detox Program beginning January 14th.

This program is open to anyone who:

  • would like to get control of their sugar cravings
  • feel better
  • have an abundance of energy
  • and an overall increase in well-being.

Aren’t you tired of feeling bloated and lethargic?

If you continue to follow the path you’re on, where will it lead you in six months? a year? Isn’t it time to take a different approach?

What you have done in the past hasn’t worked or at least has not stuck. I can help you change that. Click here for a free consultation. We’ll discuss your challenges and your goals for the coming year and see if we’re a good fit. You have nothing to lose except those nasty cravings.

As a health coach, I work with women who are facing serious health challenges like heart disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes or who have been diagnosed as having a precursor to a serious health issue such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar. I help them make food and lifestyle changes so they can get healthy, live longer and enjoy a fuller, happier, more energetic life. If you would like to have a free consultation about the health challenges you have and the improvements you would like to see in your health, click here to schedule a no strings attached call.



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I’m a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and I specialize in helping women who live with or are at risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, lose weight and avoid medication.


  1. Lily Leung on January 11, 2020 at 12:19 am

    You’re so right about having a morning routine, Karen. I’m more organized on Mon., Wednesday and Fridays because I have a morning exercise class to go to. I get up usually between 6-7 most mornings. This winter it seems darker in the morning. We’re all sleeping in a little later, even the dog. 5 in the morning would be tough. I meditate 20 minutes upon waking. Then I watch a short inspiring video on YouTube. I should do some goal setting by writing it down but just think about things in my head. I don’t get very far that way. 🙂

    • Karen on January 11, 2020 at 10:22 am

      Hi Lily…You have a good routine it seems. I like that you start your day with inspiration. It’s a great way to take on life.

      I have to rearrange my sleep schedule to get up earlier in the morning. I’ve become quite the night owl since leaving corporate but I don’t like getting up late in the morning.

  2. Martha on January 11, 2020 at 10:37 am

    My morning routine is similar but I start out with prayer before even getting out of bed. I don’t eat hardly any sugar, cut it out in July 2018 and have noticed a bit difference in how I feel!

    • Karen on January 11, 2020 at 10:42 am

      Ditching sugar is the most impactful thing I think I’ve ever done for myself in my life. I feel so much better having done so. Good way to start your day too Martha.

  3. Dianne Hill on January 11, 2020 at 5:15 pm

    Yes, I like an early morning start. I can write in peace with a fresh mind. I do have some new plans for 2020, and have started some, and am happy with my progress. A good inspiring post. Thank. You.

    • Karen on January 11, 2020 at 6:10 pm

      Thanks for your feedback Dianne. It’s good to do your creative work when you are the freshest in the morning as I’ve been told. Keep up the good work.

  4. Elisa on January 11, 2020 at 6:37 pm

    I need a consistent morning routine that starts my day off right. Thanks for the book recommendation. I love the 20:20:20 idea. I just have to get used to the 5am alarm!

    • Karen on January 11, 2020 at 8:33 pm

      Elisa…Robin Sharma has a video called How To Wake Up Early which is helpful.

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