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Happy Valentine’s Day…Time To Be Your Own Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day!

If no one else has said it yet, let me be the first. You are beautiful! You are loved and are worthy of love! Take up your place in this world. You matter and you have gifts to share with the world. Don’t withhold your gifts.

Love yourself

Today is the day for love. It doesn’t have to involve another person either. You can practice self-love. In fact, self-love should be a daily practice and not just reserved for special occasions.

I know this can feel uncomfortable and weird. We’re often taught from an early age that self-love is a form of conceit, selfishness, narcissism…you name it. But honestly, it is really an important part of your well-being.

Be young (or young at heart) again

Just watch a young child. They know they are the center of your world and they also know they will accept nothing less. When they accomplish something, whether it’s the first time or the millionth time, they applaud themselves and expect the same from you. When my grandson recites his numbers or the alphabet for the umpteenth time, he expects us to congratulate him while he congratulates himself.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, we lose that uninhibited ability to be proud of ourselves. And beyond that, we lose our ability to see how much we deserve to be honored.

When you don’t love yourself or deem yourself  worthy, you are less likely to take care of your own needs. We put everyone ahead of ourselves, often to our detriment.

Be your own Valentine

Here are some easy ways to give yourself a little love today:

  • pamper yourself – it doesn’t have to be expensive or even coast anything. Take a warm bath with some nice music in low light and maybe a few candles for ambience.
  • go to bed early – getting enough sleep is a form of self-love. Your body requires a certain amount of sleep every night and even one night of sleep deprivation can negatively impact many aspects of your well-being.
  •  have a heart healthy meal –  prepare something healthy and delicious for yourself. You deserve the time and effort it takes to prepare something that provides your body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
  • buy yourself some flowers – granted, the price of flowers today is probably exponentially higher than it will be tomorrow or any other day, except maybe Mother’s Day. If you can afford it, do it.
  • give yourself a hug and recite some positive affirmations in the mirror – you may think that sounds hokey or woo-woo, but try it. Really look into your eyes while you say nice things about yourself. You may surprise yourself with the emotion this seemingly meaningless activity evokes.

These are just a few things you can do to be your own Valentine today. Taking care of yourself is good for your heart. And that’s what this is really all about.

Do You Want Help?

Would you like to have more energy, lose weight, sleep better, and balance your hormones? I am launching another  5 week Sugar Detox Program beginning soon.

This program is open to anyone who:

  • would like to get control of their sugar cravings
  • feel better
  • have an abundance of energy
  • and an overall increase in well-being.

Aren’t you tired of feeling bloated and lethargic?

If you continue to follow the path you’re on, where will it lead you in six months? a year? Isn’t it time to take a different approach?

What you have done in the past hasn’t worked or at least has not stuck. I can help you change that. Click here for a free consultation. We’ll discuss your challenges and your goals for the coming year and see if we’re a good fit. You have nothing to lose except those nasty cravings.

As a health coach, I work with women who are facing serious health challenges like heart disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes or who are at risk for a serious health issue such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar.  If you would like to have a free consultation about the health challenges you have and the improvements you would like to see in your health, click here to schedule a no strings attached call.

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I’m a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and I specialize in helping women who live with or are at risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, lose weight and avoid medication.


  1. Ruth on February 14, 2022 at 2:18 pm

    Love your awesome post Y sister. The flower prices though were just off the chain this year. Roses???
    I celebrated yesterday with a day off from work and worked at home for a clean home. That was my Valentine’s Day gift to myself and it felt great! Hope you had a wonderful day as well and if you were a Rams fan, then all the better. I chose the Rams and got lucky. Totally good half time show that I had not anticipated too! Hopefully my heart loved it that I actually took some time off. (Working on my website but it’s below)

    • Karen on February 14, 2022 at 9:23 pm

      Good for you Ruth and no, I was supporting the Bengals for my nephew. It didn’t really matter to me though. I was just there for the commercials.

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