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Why Is It Harder Now Than It Was In The 70s To Maintain A Healthy Weight?

I have posted this before but if you haven’t seen it, it might be time to read. IT may explain a few things.


According to an article I read about our ancestors, there are several factors contributing to the growing girth of our society. Even if we ate less and exercised more than our same aged counterparts in 1970, we would still have a harder time maintaining a healthy weight.


  • Stress – even if stress causes you to lose your appetite temporarily, in the long run the cortisol it causes your body to produce will increase belly fat. We are often in a constant state of fight or flight and our bodies never get a break from the stress.
  • Environment – there are ingredients in products we use every day that are estrogenic, meaning they imitate estrogen in our bodies, causing weight gain. Ingredients such as BPA, PCBs, triclosan, pesticides, fire retardants, just to name a few, affect how our bodies function.
  • Food – the quality of our food supply is not the same as it was fifty years ago. We have additives and preservatives that our bodies don’t know how to process. The soil is depleted of nutrients and there are many food items that have been genetically modified (GMOs). When multiple generations of mice have been fed GMO food, they end up morbidly obese along with having multiple other health problems.
  • Drugs – the rampant use of prescription pharmaceuticals, especially antidepressants, has the unpleasant side effect of weight gain
  • Microbiome – the bacteria in our gut is designed to help eliminate toxins from our body and neutralize the effects of bad bacteria and yeast. However, the Standard American Diet does not promote good gut health and in fact, often has ingredients that actually kill off the good bacteria (think antibiotics in factory farmed meat).

There are ways to mitigate the impact of modern life on your waistline.

  • Eat real food – stay away from food that comes in a box, bag or can. If it wasn’t alive, don’t eat it. And if it contains any artificial ingredients, don’t eat it.
  • Eat organic – minimize exposure to chemical pesticides that disrupt your body’s ability to do its job
  • Read labels – if your personal care products have any of the hormone disrupting chemicals listed above, don’t use them
  • Manage stress – take breaks, get adequate sleep, meditate, laugh, exercise, to minimize blood sugar fluctuations
  • Avoid overusing prescription drugs – only take antibiotics when other alternatives are not possible. Antibiotics kill off good bacteria as well as bad and can lead to an overgrowth of candida (yeast) in the body
  • Eat food that supports a healthy gut – fermented foods, foods with active probiotics, garlic, onions and asparagus, all promote a healthy microbiome

While our modern life makes it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight, it isn’t impossible. Just make sure you eat the way nature intended. Eat plants, not food that was made in a plant.


ICYMI…How about a sugar detox? I don’t have a fancy name for this program but I can tell you a little about it. We’ll begin on September 18th and end October 16th using Zoom.

If you want to get your energy back, lose a few pounds and generally feel better, this is the place for you. I’ll share some of the strategies I used to eliminate sugar from my life and to get back on track in my own weight loss journey.

Won’t it be nice to eliminate cravings, not feel that “hangry” feeling when your blood sugar drops, and to be able to control what you’re eating?

The five week program is only $49! For the price of less than one lunch per week, you can kick sugar to the curb. This s the only time the program will be offered at this low price because it’s the first time I’m doing it, but I’ve used it for myself and it worked on me.  


Click here to schedule a quick chat with me so we can decide if this is a good program for you. You’ll be glad you did.



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I’m a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and I specialize in helping women who live with or are at risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, lose weight and avoid medication.

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