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Walk This Way

I went for a nice long walk today. It finally stopped raining, the sun was shining and the temperature was in the high 40s. I was so happy to be out in the fresh air. I could walk for hours on days like this.

Maintain a healthy BMI

One of the easiest ways to be healthy and fit is to put on your walking shoes, get outside and walk. According to a study published by the University of Warwick, people who walked at least 15,000 steps per day were more likely to be in the healthy range for body mass index (BMI). People who walk more and sit less tend to have lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. Walkers tend to have lower blood glucose levels which helps to minimize the danger of developing diabetes.

Support brain health

In a clinical trial of older adults in Japan, it was found that after 12 weeks of daily walking, participants had significantly greater improvement in memory and executive function compared to the control group that just went about their usual routine. Another study published in the Journal of Neurology determined that walking is associated with a larger amount of gray matter in the brain, which is a measure of brain health.

Manage stress

Exercising aerobically can improve your mood and lower stress levels. Walking is no exception. Aerobic exercise helps to release endorphins and improve your mental state. Walking in nature is especially good for this.

Extend your life expectancy

According to the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, researchers found that walking about three hours per week lowered the risk of premature death compared to those who did little to no walking. It’s never too late to start either. A study in the journal Maturitas found that seniors with an average age of 80 who walked four times per week were less likely to die over the study’s ten year follow up compared to those who walked less.

Experts agree that any amount of walking is good but to really reap the benefits, you need to rack up the miles and step up the pace. The minimum suggested for good health is at least thirty minutes per day and at least five days per week. More and faster is better but you will see some health benefits with just that amount.

Following are some ways to put more steps in your day and to get the most out of your effort.

Walk as much as you can

The University of Warwick did a comparison between people who exhibited at least one symptom of metabolic syndrome and people with no such factors. They discovered that people who were most sedentary had the most risk factors, but people who logged at least 15,000 steps had healthier BMIs, smaller waist circumference, lower cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose levels.

Walk faster

A study in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, looked at not only number of steps but how quickly subjects walked. Those who walked faster had similar outcomes to those who walked longer. Keeping a pace of 2.5 to 3 miles per hour did the job.

Break it up

Take several walking breaks during the day of at least 10 minutes each. It keeps you from being sedentary throughout the day and will decrease your risk for heart disease.

Do some intervals

Rather than doing your 30 minute walk at the same pace, try doing some high intensity interval training (HIIT). Alternate between 30 second to one minute bursts of faster high intensity walking and one to two minutes of recovery slower walking. Studies have shown that people who practice HIIT tend to have lower levels of abdominal fat and smaller waists.

Walk uphill

If you increase your intensity by walking uphill you can get twice the benefit in half the time.

The important thing is to walk as much as you can. Any amount of walking is better than nothing. The more you move, the better off you will be, the healthier you will be and the longer you might live.

My Story

Since June 2019, I decided to hold myself accountable for walking my talk. Several years ago, I was able to take off 135 pounds and essentially save my own life. I regained some of that weight in the last couple of years and I’m working my way back down. I’ve lost over 40 pounds since I began in June and have exercised nearly every day since August.

If you choose to join me on this journey, I hope I am able to impart some nutritional and lifestyle wisdom. Even though I may have gone off the rails temporarily I can still share some of my first hand experience as well as my acquired knowledge and training to help you make the right changes to live your best life.

Do You Want Help?

Would you like to have more energy, lose weight, sleep better, and balance your hormones? I am launching another  5 week Sugar Detox Program beginning soon.

This program is open to anyone who:

  • would like to get control of their sugar cravings
  • feel better
  • have an abundance of energy
  • and an overall increase in well-being.

Aren’t you tired of feeling bloated and lethargic?

If you continue to follow the path you’re on, where will it lead you in six months? a year? Isn’t it time to take a different approach?

What you have done in the past hasn’t worked or at least has not stuck. I can help you change that. Click here for a free consultation. We’ll discuss your challenges and your goals for the coming year and see if we’re a good fit. You have nothing to lose except those nasty cravings.

As a health coach, I work with women who are facing serious health challenges like heart disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes or who have been diagnosed as having a precursor to a serious health issue such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar. I help them make food and lifestyle changes so they can get healthy, live longer and enjoy a fuller, happier, more energetic life.

If you would like to have a free consultation about the health challenges you have and the improvements you would like to see in your health, click here to schedule a no strings attached call.

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I’m a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and I specialize in helping women who live with or are at risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, lose weight and avoid medication.


  1. Carrie Tripp on February 11, 2020 at 7:11 pm

    I have to get back in a walking routine. Once I establish the routine, I tend to keep it, but as soon as I take a *break*, well, it will be years before I pick it up again.

    • Karen on February 11, 2020 at 7:19 pm

      I agree it’s so hard to start a good habit and so easy to break it. Once you start to get the good feeling from walking, it may motivate you to get out there and “just do it”.

  2. vidya on February 11, 2020 at 11:51 pm

    i am walking almost everyday but not enough… and i do need to get to doing more.. :)and this post definitely inspires me to do that

    • Karen on February 12, 2020 at 8:05 am

      Just lace up those sneakers and get out there Vidya.

  3. Martha on February 12, 2020 at 5:06 am

    Great information! I enjoy walking and always seem to walk fast.

    • Karen on February 12, 2020 at 8:04 am

      Good for you Martha…the faster you walk, the more you’ll benefit

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