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Ready, Set, Goal! How to Stay Motivated to Reach Your Health Goals

Setting health goals like losing weight, eating better or exercising more is easy. Sticking with them long-term and staying motivated is harder. Without the right mindset and strategies, passion fizzles and goals fall by the wayside when life gets busy. Use these tips to fire up your motivation to reach your wellness goals:

Set Specific and Measurable Goals

Generic goals like “get healthy” are hard to act on. Set detailed goals like “lose 10 pounds” or “walk 30 minutes 5 days per week”. Quantify what success looks like.

Goals Should Be Challenging But Achievable

If goals are too easy, you’ll get bored. Too difficult leads to frustration. Make sure your goal stretches you but is realistic given your schedule and current abilities.

Develop an Action Plan

Decide exactly what actions you’ll take to achieve your goal. If your goal is completing a 5K, plan which training program to follow and calendar the days/times to get the runs in.

Work With a Coach or a Friend

Sharing your goals and plans with someone adds accountability. Consider joining forces to motivate each other or hire a coach for expert guidance.

Track Your Progress

Monitoring progress is a huge motivator. Use a log, app, journal, or tracking device to follow your weight loss, mileage, calories burned, etc.

Join a Community

Having the support and camaraderie of others working toward similar goals helps you persist. Find online or local communities related to your goal like a hiking group.

Reward Small Wins

Recognize your milestones along the way instead of waiting until you cross the entire finish line. Treat yourself to a movie night after a productive week at the gym. If you’re feeling like you really want to pamper yourself, get a massage.

Staying focused on your health and fitness objectives requires determination and desire. When motivation lags, lean on these strategies to refocus, refresh, and renew your commitment for reaching your goals. Consistency is the key to lasting change.

Need support reaching your goals? I would love to help.

Want to hear about my Crowd Out the Bad Method to Conquer Cravings, Lose Weight, and Avoid Diabetes? Take the First Step with a FREE Consultation and Learn from My 135-Pound Victory Over Pre-Diabetes!

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I’m a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and I specialize in helping women who live with or are at risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, lose weight and avoid medication.


  1. Tamara on January 14, 2024 at 2:25 am

    Karen, this post couldn’t have come at a better moment. I need every support I can get. Coincidentally – or not – I downloaded a calorie tracking app just yesterday.

    • Karen Admin on January 14, 2024 at 8:56 pm

      Good luck to you Tamara. Just remember that it isn’t just about calories. Make good choices!

  2. Doug on January 15, 2024 at 12:31 am

    Do you recall the Christmas song with these lyrics: “ït’s that time of year”?
    It doesn’t talk about the season for gaining weight or the season for loosing weight.
    Possibly the most common New Year resolution is to loose weight, at lease the weight you gained over the holiday season.
    Although I am carrying some extra weight, I monitor it and am content to be able to keep it from increasing. Zumba exercise classes “rezoom” on Tuesday.

    • Karen Admin on January 15, 2024 at 10:47 am

      Enjoy those Zumba classes Doug!

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