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Do You Get Enough Sleep?

By Karen | January 29, 2019 |

Most adults in the US are sleep deprived. Not only do we need enough sleep, 7-8 hours each night, but we need good quality sleep. It’s important to have a regular sleep schedule and to feel rested after you have had a full night’s sleep. Children need more sleep than adults: 1 Teens need 8-10 hours…

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Laugh It Off…It Really Is Good Advice

By Karen | January 27, 2019 |

Have you ever been told to just “laugh it off” when something unpleasant happens? There is  evidence that this is actually very good advice. Here are some ways laughter can be healthy for you. It may reduce stress – laughing can reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine while also increasing production…

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It Ain’t the Fat

By Karen | January 27, 2019 |

I recently read yet another article about how the sugar industry paid for research to implicate dietary fat, rather than sugar, as the major contributing factor for heart disease. The research was being conducted in the 1960s and was being funded by an organization called the Sugar Research Foundation. The group directed the outcome of…

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The Bitter Truth

By Karen | January 26, 2019 |

Do you feel like you need to eat something sweet at certain times of the day? Do you fall into an afternoon slump that you think requires a sugary snack as a pick-me-up? When you have a sweet tooth, do you stop at nothing until you satisfy it? You might be addicted to sugar. Many…

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What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?

By Karen | January 24, 2019 |

I have seen this video many times and it never fails to choke me up. I love this man’s story of strength, perseverance and ultimate victory. I think it speaks to the resilience of the human spirit when a person has someone else’s belief in them and also believes in themselves enough to use the energy from that belief…

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Twelve Wayne Dyer Quotes That Everyone Should Follow

By Karen | January 23, 2019 |

I read a lot of inspirational literature from various people considered “new age” thinkers. I think that’s code for “woo woo” or “fluff”. I don’t care because it makes me look at things from a more positive perspective and has changed my view of my life and my world. One of my favorite sources of…

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Do Any of These Challenges Sound Like You?

By Karen | January 22, 2019 |

In 2010, after a devastating health diagnosis, I changed and, in fact I believe, saved my life. I found out I had an aggressive form of breast cancer and was on the verge of developing diabetes and high blood pressure. After undergoing a grueling treatment regimen of chemotherapy for a year and radiation for eight…

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The Four Agreements

By Karen | January 21, 2019 |

Have you ever heard of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz? They are simple, really…simple but sometimes difficult to uphold. If you follow these ideals even most of the time, you’re doing well. Be impeccable with your word Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself…

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