This is the beginning of a new year and a new decade and many of us have set goals for the coming 366 days. Often the goals or resolutions we make are around health and wellness. But the sad fact is, according to U.S. News and World Report, 80% of those resolutions fail by February. How can we improve this statistic for ourselves?
One way to follow through on your health and wellness goals is to work with a health coach. Why, you ask? Here are a few of the reasons my clients are successful when they work with me:
A health coach will work alongside of you to help you navigate what may be unfamiliar territory. If you have never tried to lose weight or change your lifestyle, it may be overwhelming to attempt it on your own.
A qualified health coach is trained to work with many different dietary theories. It should not be a one size fits all approach. Every client should be treated as an individual because everyone responds differently. We all have bio-individuality, meaning all of us have different nutritional needs.
Goal Setting
When we start out on a weight loss journey, we may set lofty goals for ourselves, but every person is different and responds to change in their own way and in their own time. A health coach will help you set small incremental goals that will stretch you a little without making them impossible to attain.
Holistic Approach
As a health coach, I don’t just look at one area of a person’s life. When I work with people, I find that their issues are rarely about the food. We use food to numb us and to help us forget what is causing stress. I work with people to figure what triggers them to take be risky with their health and work with them to develop better and healthier coping mechanisms so they don’t use food as a drug.
Lifestyle Change
Often, people start out on a weight loss journey treating it as a temporary change. You go ‘on a diet’, which implies that you will eventually go ‘off a diet’. However, if you resume your life as it was before you lost weight, you will likely regain the weight you lost and more. A health coach will help you establish the lifelong habits needed to maintain your healthy lifestyle. Aren’t you worth that investment?
My Story
Since June 2019, I decided to hold myself accountable for walking my talk. Several years ago, I was able to take off 135 pounds and essentially save my own life. I regained some of that weight in the last couple of years and I’m working my way back down. I’ve lost over 40 pounds since I began in June and have exercised nearly every day since August.
If you choose to join me on this journey, I hope I am able to impart some nutritional and lifestyle wisdom. Even though I may have gone off the rails temporarily I can still share some of my first hand experience as well as my acquired knowledge and training to help you make the right changes to live your best life.
Do You Want Help?
Would you like to have more energy, lose weight, sleep better, and balance your hormones? I am launching a 5 week Sugar Detox Program beginning January 7th.
This program is open to anyone who:
- would like to get control of their sugar cravings
- feel better
- have an abundance of energy
- and an overall increase in well-being.
Aren’t you tired of feeling bloated and lethargic?
If you continue to follow the path you’re on, where will it lead you in six months? a year? Isn’t it time to take a different approach?
What you have done in the past hasn’t worked or at least has not stuck. I can help you change that. Click here for a free consultation. We’ll discuss your challenges and your goals for the coming year and see if we’re a good fit. You have nothing to lose except those nasty cravings.
As a health coach, I work with women who are facing serious health challenges like heart disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes or who have been diagnosed as having a precursor to a serious health issue such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar. I help them make food and lifestyle changes so they can get healthy, live longer and enjoy a fuller, happier, more energetic life. If you would like to have a free consultation about the health challenges you have and the improvements you would like to see in your health, click here to schedule a no strings attached call.
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You’ve posted some good food for thought here. Thank you Karen!
Judi…thanks for commenting. I think everyone can use a little help at times. That’s what I do.
Karen, I am excited about the sugar detox and also about the opportunity to change my lifestyle and the way that I experience food. I tend to eat because of emotions and, even when I’m not doing that, I really love the taste of food and I want to enjoy it… maybe a bit too much!
Coaching, helping people improve and getting better health must be very rewarding. I applaud your dedication. I’ve been watching my diet and how I live day to day since the July blog challenge. I haven’t lost many pounds but I do feel stronger physically and mentally. I’ve been reading much on gut health and watched Michael Pollan on Oprah’s Supersoul Sunday about his book “Cooked”. It was very interesting and eye opening about how much process food we eat and how little cooking people do now.
Lily…it’s sad but true that we eat so little home-cooked food. I’m happy that you are feeling strong and healthy. The pounds will come off if they need to when you eat wholesome and nourishing foods in the appropriate amounts. And I love what I do, especially when I can really help someone change their life.