Facing My Rock Bottom
I walked into the conference room. As I sat down, the chair splintered beneath me. You’d think that would have been my rock bottom moment, but even that wasn’t enough to motivate me to make a change. The cravings were just too powerful.
Confronting My Mortality
It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with breast cancer and told I was pre-diabetic that I finally realized how critical it was for me to get healthy. But even facing my mortality, the intense cravings persisted. In fact, they got worse because of the stress.
As I endured six months of brutal cancer treatment, I lived on Eskimo pies and Laughing Cow cheese wedges. When treatment ended, the cravings came back even fiercer than ever.
Taking Control
I knew I desperately needed to lose weight to lower my cancer recurrence risk and address my pre-diabetes. But no amount of willpower could overcome my intense food cravings. I needed to deal with the cravings first.
So I started journaling everything I ate and how I felt. Patterns emerged showing what triggered cravings versus what satisfied me. That’s how I discovered the Crowd Out the Bad Method.
The Birth of the Crowd Out the Bad Method
By crowding out trigger food with nutritious whole foods, I finally crushed my cravings! Once free from those irresistible urges, I lost 135 pounds, slashed my cancer recurrence odds, and reversed my pre-diabetes.
Now It’s Your Turn
The Crowd Out the Bad Method changed my life. Now I want to help others break free from the tyranny of food cravings and take back their health!
Want to hear about my Crowd Out the Bad Method to Conquer Cravings, Lose Weight, and Avoid Diabetes? Take the First Step with a FREE Consultation and Learn from My 135-Pound Victory Over Pre-Diabetes!
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