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Keep Facing YOUR True North

By Karen | November 21, 2019 |

I love this page from a book posted by Hay House on their Facebook page. It may be credited to Rebecca Campbell but I’m not sure. Sorry I don’t know any more details about it to give full credit.  You don’t have to be all things to all people. Even if you bend over backwards,…

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What Habits Would You Like To Replace?

By Karen | November 20, 2019 |

It has been a very busy several days for me, but one thing is a constant in my life now. I go to the gym for at least 40 minutes every day and I work hard. If you recall, I set a goal of going to the gym for 90 straight days. I hit the…

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Get to the Heart of the Matter

By Karen | November 19, 2019 |

Did you know? heart disease kills more people than all cancers combined more women than men die from a first heart attack women are less likely to get the treatment they need for heart disease women of color are at higher risk of developing heart disease and receiving inadequate treatment than Caucasian women women may…

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Is It Time To Take One For The Team?

By Karen | November 18, 2019 |

According to this abstract from PubMed, eating a plant-based diet is our best approach to a healthy life. Clearly, the road we are currently on isn’t getting us there. Humans are omnivores, which means we can choose to eat or not eat animal products. We can also choose to eat and thrive on, a plant-based diet.…

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The Rainbow Connection

By Karen | November 17, 2019 |

Have you ever been told to “eat the rainbow”? Do you know what that means? Are you doing it? Eating the rainbow doesn’t mean that you should be eating multi-colored M&Ms or gummy bears or anything that is artificially colored to match the rainbow. It means that we should be eating fruits and vegetables in…

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A (S)hero’s Story

By Karen | November 16, 2019 |

I just read this story about a truly heroic young woman who began her journey into chronic and, ultimately terminal illness at the tender age of 16. Jessica Melore, in my mind, was a true warrior. At 16, while having dinner with her family, she suffered a massive heart attack from which she was not expected…

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What Are You Grateful For?

By Karen | November 15, 2019 |

Have you ever heard of a gratitude journal? It’s a place where you record what you are grateful for in your life. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic. I add five things to my journal every night that I’m grateful for from that particular day. It helps me to go to sleep in a…

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Trust the Journey

By Karen | November 15, 2019 |

I didn’t know what I would write about today until my good friend Julie so generously posted this on her Facebook wall. The Universe provides when you let it happen. This message really speaks to me. As anyone who has been following my blog knows, I am an almost ten year breast cancer survivor. At…

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