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Exercise…It Does a Body Good

By Karen | December 1, 2019 |

I attached the picture of these 50 reasons to exercise to give some incentive to move your body regularly. But I also want to share with you the benefits that I’ve enjoyed since committing to daily exercise. Here are a few of the changes I see happening in my body the more I exercise: I…

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Aging Gracefully May Not Be Popular But It’s So Much Easier

By Karen | November 29, 2019 |

The best is yet to be. I read this article recently and it really resonated with me. We live in a youth obsessed society and are constantly bombarded with messages that we should do anything possible to delay the inevitable effects that living a long life will have on our skin, body, mind and belief system.…

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A Day of Gratitude

By Karen | November 27, 2019 |

Today’s post will be short. I want to express my gratitude to all read these blog posts I put out on a daily basis. Some of them take a few hours to write, others come quickly. If I’m helping anyone with a little advice or some shared knowledge, I feel it’s worth it. If these…

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Who Are We Really Doing It For?

By Karen | November 26, 2019 |

I’ve heard it said that there is no such thing as an unselfish act. Everything we do for others provides a benefit to us. Whether it’s because we feel responsible for helping them, or we just get a good feeling from helping, we still benefit from performing a good deed. I speak for myself when…

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By Karen | November 25, 2019 |

I read an article yesterday that intrigued me. It’s about how millennials are moving away from organized religion and attending church. It isn’t important if you practice a religion or if you believe or don’t believe in a divine presence to see the importance of this phenomenon. Religious affiliation has been declining pretty quickly for…

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Do You Think You Have An Eating Disorder?

By Karen | November 24, 2019 |

Eating disorders come in many shapes and sizes, are more about a mental state than food and often require medical and psychological support when trying to overcome them. Eating disorders are identified by an obsession with food and/or body shape. These afflictions are quite prevalent with an estimate of 20 million women and 10 million…

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Multi-Tasking…Yes or No?

By Karen | November 24, 2019 |

We all go through life with a million things on our ‘to-do’ lists and we may try to do many of them simultaneously. But, is that really effective? The sad fact is, our brains are not wired to successfully multi-task. Actually, when we try to multi-task we often end up being even less productive even…

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What’s In Your Food?

By Karen | November 22, 2019 |

If you aren’t eating packaged food that is certified organic, chances are you’re getting about 2,000 unwanted chemicals in your food. These chemicals have been banned in the European Union, but in the US food supply they are perfectly legal. According to this report, many of them have been deemed harmful and some even carcinogenic by…

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