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What Would You Have Done?

By Karen | August 15, 2024 |

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone gave us the roadmap to a perfect life? What would you have done differently? How would your life look if you knew then what you know now? I have been thinking about that a bit lately, and this is what I came up with. I don’t have regrets because…

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Walk With Me

By Karen | August 10, 2024 |

One of the easiest ways to be healthy and fit is to put on your walking shoes, get outside, and walk. According to a study published by the University of Warwick, people who walked at least 15,000 steps per day were more likely to be in the healthy range for body mass index (BMI). People…

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Ten Ways Drinking Enough Water Can Benefit You

By Karen | August 5, 2024 |

These days, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a ‘Top 10’ list on social media. Everyone has a list of things to share. And here is another one. I think this list will actually be helpful if you pay attention to it. Drinking water is one of the easiest and cheapest ways you…

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Five Steps You Can Take Right Now to Improve Your Health

By Karen | August 1, 2024 |

There are many steps one can take to get started on a healthy lifestyle. This is by no means an exhaustive list of improvements but it’s a good start. Success is more likely with a series of small incremental changes over time rather than a complete overhaul of every habit one has developed over a…

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How I Crushed Food Cravings and Took Back My Health

By Karen | February 16, 2024 |

Facing My Rock Bottom I walked into the conference room. As I sat down, the chair splintered beneath me. You’d think that would have been my rock bottom moment, but even that wasn’t enough to motivate me to make a change. The cravings were just too powerful. Confronting My Mortality It wasn’t until I was…

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The Science Behind Food Cravings: What’s Driving Your Hankerings?

By Karen | February 8, 2024 |

We’ve all experienced intense cravings for certain foods from time to time. While the objects of our desires may seem random, specific physiological mechanisms exist behind food cravings. Understanding what’s going on in your brain and body can help you better manage unhealthy cravings. Here are some of the main physiological causes of food cravings:…

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My Losing Battle With Sugar and Journey to Redemption

By Karen | February 1, 2024 |

I’ve always had an insatiable sweet tooth. Birthday cakes as a child, late-night ice cream binges while studying, daily candy fixes to get through stressful and long work days – sugary foods have been my crutch for as long as I can remember. I justified it as harmless…until the pre-diabetes diagnosis came seemingly out of…

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Breaking the Cycle: 5 Steps to Take Control of Sugar Cravings

By Karen | January 31, 2024 |

The good news? You can retrain your body and brain to break your dependence on sugar rushes. With some science-backed techniques, you can take control over cravings and stop sugar from running your life. Here are 5 strategies: Crowd Out Sweets – Fill up on fiber and protein at meals with volume-dense foods like vegetables…

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