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Stress Management For Beginners

Unmanaged stress is one of the biggest contributors to heart disease and many other conditions. We all have stress in our lives. And not all stress is bad, but it’s still stress. The body still has the same chemical reaction whether the reason behind the stressĀ  is positive or negative. Let’s look at some ways…

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Have You Thought About Your Act Two?

  Are you a woman “of a certain age”? You know what I mean. Kids are grown and flown. If you’re married, maybe you and the spouse have fallen into the hypnotic rhythm of life. Or you may have been a ‘stay at home’ and now the nest is empty. You may be coming to…

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What Are Your Risk Factors?

I want to share some information about heart disease and some of the ways it shows up, especially for women. Much of the existing heart disease in the US, in fact 80%, can be prevented through proper nutrition and lifestyle habits. There are some risk factors we all need to manage to keep ourselves healthy…

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