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What’s Your Guilty Pleasure?

By Karen | March 18, 2022 |

I often talk about healthy habits, healthy eating, mindset ideas, good sleep hygiene (feeling a little hypocritical here) and other ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But I know everyone needs to live a little. Everyone has a little something they like to indulge in that they might be a little embarrassed to talk about.…

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It’s That Time Of Year Again…Daylight Savings Time

By Karen | March 16, 2022 |

Don’t you just love when there is more daylight at the end of the day? Not everyone feels that way, but I do. There are good reasons on either side of the argument for and against the clock changes we make twice a year. I am always happy when we ‘spring forward’, because it means…

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Teriyaki Tofu and Soba Noodles

By Karen | March 15, 2022 |

I used this recipe from Crazy Sexy Kitchen by Kris Carr with several modifications which came out really good. I’m going to give you the recipe as it appears in the book. Then I’ll tell you what I did differently. I have mentioned in other recipes that I don’t much care for the structure of…

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How Are You Motivated To Make Change?

By Karen | March 14, 2022 |

What makes you want to change? Is it something inside that just clicks? Is it something someone says to you? According to this article, there are two ways to get your motivation. Intrinsic motivation – this involves performing a task because it’s personally rewarding to you Extrinsic motivation – this involves completing a task because…

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Let’s Talk About Something Different…What Are You Reading?

By Karen | March 12, 2022 |

I thought I might talk about a different type of nutrition today. We feed our bodies every day but do we always feed our minds with good positive messages? There is a never-ending barrage of negative imaging entering our consciousness every single day, every hour of the day. We have to make an effort to…

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Who Do I Think I Am?

By Karen | March 11, 2022 |

I haven’t really introduced myself in a while here so I thought I might take a minute to tell you who I am, what I do, why I do it  and why I think you could benefit from reading my work. Who am I? As you probably already figured out, my name is Karen Sammer.…

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Neuroplasticity – Yes, You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

By Karen | March 10, 2022 |

Have you ever heard of neuroplasticity? Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change throughout your life, based on your thoughts, behaviors and experiences. Your brain has an innate ability to develop new neural pathways throughout your entire life. In other words, your brain makes changes within itself in response to what is happening in your…

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International Women’s Day (A Day Late)…For My HeartSisters

By Karen | March 9, 2022 |

I know I’m a day late for International Women’s Day but I didn’t want to ignore this important day. I am going to acknowledge the occasion by talking about some of my (s)heroes. A little background In 2018, I had the honor and pleasure of an invitation to become a WomenHeart champion. I received my…

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