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EFT-The Healing Modality You Probably Don’t Know About

By Karen | January 24, 2020 |

Have you ever heard of EFT? It stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. Some people know it as “tapping”. Tapping is an alternative treatment for anxiety, physical pain, trauma, PTSD and other afflictions. What is it? EFT is rooted in Chinese medicine and is a form of acupressure. It’s based in the belief that there is…

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Stress…The Silent Enemy

By Karen | January 23, 2020 |

Stress Your body is an amazing machine that was designed to survive. All of your vital organs have a role in that survival. When there is perceived danger, your various systems will slow or shut down to focus your resources on keeping you safe. Digestion stops, blood flow is restricted, adrenaline and cortisol production is…

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Should You Detox?

By Karen | January 22, 2020 |

Our bodies are amazing machines. They can take whatever food-like substance we give them and at least for awhile, make it work as fuel. But eventually, they will stop working if we don’t consume the right nutrients. S.A.D. Because of the Standard American Diet (SAD), the environment, high levels of stress, and water, soil and…

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Clutter…The Bane of My Existence

By Karen | January 21, 2020 |

How many times have you ever said…”If I could just get rid of this pile of (fill in the blank), I’ll feel better”? Or is that just my feeling about nearly every room in my house? How many magazines do you collect to read “someday”? I have never found “someday” on the calendar…have you? I’m…

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Self Care…What Are You Doing?

By Karen | January 20, 2020 |

How do you care for yourself? You’re probably really good at taking care of everyone else’s needs but do you take care of your own? Do you do things that nourish your body and soul? The importance of caring for you Why is it important to prioritize your self care? As we go through life…

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By Karen | January 19, 2020 |

Someone far wiser than I once said that we teach people how to treat us. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. That last part was a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. So how are you teaching people to treat you? Do you have boundaries? Have you set healthy boundaries and show people…

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Could You Be Vegan? Why Yes…Yes You Can!

By Karen | January 18, 2020 |

Veganism is a commitment, I won’t deny that. It’s a completely different way to eat from the way most of us were raised. But I can tell you from personal experience that it isn’t as bad as you’d imagine it to be. Yes, you’ll have to give up cheese and ice cream and meat but…

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Winter Blues or Something More?

By Karen | January 17, 2020 |

Are you likely to burrow in during the cold, dark winter months, not to be heard from again until the spring? Do you sit on the couch all winter and binge watch whatever is on your DVR? Or is it worse for you? Do you feel sad and exhausted and maybe even a little depressed?…

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